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Mystery of Life

Am: 16.08.2016
Um: 18:00Uhr
Veranstalter:Mediendom der Fachhochschule Kiel
AnschriftSokratesplatz 6
24149 Kiel
Link zum Museum : http://www.medi[..]
This production of the Dutch animation company "Mirage 3D” has received multiple awards.

From breathtaking perspectives and with a series of small surprises the visitor will make the observations that were the basis of his theory of evolution, just like Charles Darwin did during his five-year journey aboard the research vessel "HMS Beagle."

The experience is authentic in every detail and has a choir and orchestra soundtrack, which was mostly composed specially for this show.

entry: 9,50 € (reduced 7,50 €)
laut Programm (zu finden unter
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