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Antikensammlung · Kunsthalle zu Kiel
Düsternbrooker Weg 1
24105  Kiel

Fax: 0431 8807309
E-Mail: antikenslg@klassarch.uni-kiel.de

Opening Hours

Tue, Thu-Fri 10 am – 6 pm, Wed 10 am – 8 pm, Sat-Sun 10.30 am – 6 pm

The "Kieler Antikensammlung" (Kiel collection of classical art) was established on the initiative of Peter Wilhelm Forchhammer (1801-1894). He lectured as a professor of ancient history at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel. The museum was opened on January 18th in 1843. The collection is unique in Northern Germany.
The museum owns an extensive collection of original classical works (Greek pottery vessels and small classical objects of art). Additionally, it has a large collection of cast copies of important Greek and Roman sculptures (e.g. sculptures of the Parthenon, the Apollo of Belvedere, Laocoon).Original vases and small classical objects of art give a vivid impression of antiquity. The vases are fascinating because of the great variety of their forms and their lively depictions. The latter tell of the gods and heroes of the Greeks and of their banquets and their ideas of the world beyond death.The "Kieler Antikensammlung" combines small original objects of art with large copied sculptures. Thus it gives the visitors an insight into the art and cultural history of the antiquity from the 2nd millennium BC to the times of the Roman Empire.