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Mölln Museums, Historical Town Hall
Am Markt 12
23879  Mölln

Fax: 04542/836503
E-Mail: info@moelln-tourismus.de

Opening Hours

Tue-Fri 10 am – 12 pm / 2-5 pm, Sat-Sun 11 am – 4 pm

Both departments of the Mölln museum are situated opposite each other on the market place in the old part of Mölln. The museum for the collection on the town history was founded in 1889. Since 1993 it is housed in the restored former town hall. The building is the second oldest town hall in the country (built in 1373). The former council hall on the upper floor is used for the presentation of the council’s silverware from the 16th and 17th century. The collection on the town history focuses on the town’s commercial history since the 18th century. With the help of different models individual aspects of the town history are explained. Opposite the town hall, the „Eulenspiegelmuseum“ was established in 1996. In this citizen’s house of the 16th century the figure of Till Eulenspiegel is remembered. In the book it is said that he died in Mölln in 1350. Paintings, graphics and sculptures, which show Till Eulenspiegel, as well as, of course, many book editions belong to the collection of the museum. Small presentations help visitors of all ages to understand the most famous fool in the German-speaking area.
Regularly, the museum is showing special exhibitions on older and more modern art, history and arts and crafts.