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Norderstedt City Museum
Friedrichsgaber Weg 290
22846  Norderstedt

Fax: 040/94365344
E-Mail: stadtmuseum@norderstedt.de

Opening Hours

Wed-Sat 3-6 pm, Sun 11 am - 6 pm, groups by appointment, closed on holidays

The focal point of the collection in Norderstedt, a town that is situated in the environs of Hamburg, is the main source of income in the 19th century in the region. Wheelbarrows, peat-cutters, spades and many other objects show the cutting of peat and its selling in Hamburg. Another section of the museum deals with the everyday work and occupations of housewives around 1900. Farming tools and machines constitute another part of the public collection of the town. Photos, maps and pictures explain the development of Norderstedt resp. of the four former communities in dependance on the city of Hamburg.